Scheduled |
Feb 18, 2025 06:00 - Feb 19, 2025 08:00 | GMT+01:00
On Tuesday, 18th and Wednesday 19th February, between 5am - 7am GTM / 6am - 8am CET we will be updating some of the servers we use for Impact Stack. This may affect your Impact Stack actions in the following ways:
Impact Stack 1 (current generation):
- For around 30 minutes of that period, Impact Stack will be unavailable to your supporters.
Impact Stack 2 (new generation):
- For around 10 minutes of that period, there is a chance that your supporters may not be able to submit Impact Stack forms.
We may also use Thursday 20th February between 5-7am (GMT) / 6-8am (CET) as a backup in case we experience any problems. If this is needed, we'll post a separate status page notice.
We’re sorry for any disruption caused by these upgrades. Please let us know at if you are planning any big launches for any of the times we are planning on running the updates, or if you have any further questions.
Scheduled |
Feb 18, 2025 06:00 - Feb 19, 2025 08:00 | GMT+01:00
On Tuesday, 18th and Wednesday 19th February, between 5am - 7am GTM / 6am - 8am CET we will be updating some of the servers we use for Impact Stack. This may affect your Impact Stack actions in the following ways:
Impact Stack 1 (current generation):
- For around 30 minutes of that period, Impact Stack will be unavailable to your supporters.
Impact Stack 2 (new generation):
- For around 10 minutes of that period, there is a chance that your supporters may not be able to submit Impact Stack forms.
We may also use Thursday 20th February between 5-7am (GMT) / 6-8am (CET) as a backup in case we experience any problems. If this is needed, we'll post a separate status page notice.
We’re sorry for any disruption caused by these upgrades. Please let us know at if you are planning any big launches for any of the times we are planning on running the updates, or if you have any further questions.
Scheduled |
Feb 18, 2025 06:00 - Feb 19, 2025 08:00 | GMT+01:00
On Tuesday, 18th and Wednesday 19th February, between 5am - 7am GTM / 6am - 8am CET we will be updating some of the servers we use for Impact Stack. This may affect your Impact Stack actions in the following ways:
Impact Stack 1 (current generation):
- For around 30 minutes of that period, Impact Stack will be unavailable to your supporters.
Impact Stack 2 (new generation):
- For around 10 minutes of that period, there is a chance that your supporters may not be able to submit Impact Stack forms.
We may also use Thursday 20th February between 5-7am (GMT) / 6-8am (CET) as a backup in case we experience any problems. If this is needed, we'll post a separate status page notice.
We’re sorry for any disruption caused by these upgrades. Please let us know at if you are planning any big launches for any of the times we are planning on running the updates, or if you have any further questions.
Scheduled |
Feb 18, 2025 06:00 - Feb 19, 2025 08:00 | GMT+01:00
On Tuesday, 18th and Wednesday 19th February, between 5am - 7am GTM / 6am - 8am CET we will be updating some of the servers we use for Impact Stack. This may affect your Impact Stack actions in the following ways:
Impact Stack 1 (current generation):
- For around 30 minutes of that period, Impact Stack will be unavailable to your supporters.
Impact Stack 2 (new generation):
- For around 10 minutes of that period, there is a chance that your supporters may not be able to submit Impact Stack forms.
We may also use Thursday 20th February between 5-7am (GMT) / 6-8am (CET) as a backup in case we experience any problems. If this is needed, we'll post a separate status page notice.
We’re sorry for any disruption caused by these upgrades. Please let us know at if you are planning any big launches for any of the times we are planning on running the updates, or if you have any further questions.
Scheduled |
Feb 18, 2025 06:00 - Feb 19, 2025 08:00 | GMT+01:00
On Tuesday, 18th and Wednesday 19th February, between 5am - 7am GTM / 6am - 8am CET we will be updating some of the servers we use for Impact Stack. This may affect your Impact Stack actions in the following ways:
Impact Stack 1 (current generation):
- For around 30 minutes of that period, Impact Stack will be unavailable to your supporters.
Impact Stack 2 (new generation):
- For around 10 minutes of that period, there is a chance that your supporters may not be able to submit Impact Stack forms.
We may also use Thursday 20th February between 5-7am (GMT) / 6-8am (CET) as a backup in case we experience any problems. If this is needed, we'll post a separate status page notice.
We’re sorry for any disruption caused by these upgrades. Please let us know at if you are planning any big launches for any of the times we are planning on running the updates, or if you have any further questions.
Scheduled |
Feb 18, 2025 06:00 - Feb 19, 2025 08:00 | GMT+01:00
On Tuesday, 18th and Wednesday 19th February, between 5am - 7am GTM / 6am - 8am CET we will be updating some of the servers we use for Impact Stack. This may affect your Impact Stack actions in the following ways:
Impact Stack 1 (current generation):
- For around 30 minutes of that period, Impact Stack will be unavailable to your supporters.
Impact Stack 2 (new generation):
- For around 10 minutes of that period, there is a chance that your supporters may not be able to submit Impact Stack forms.
We may also use Thursday 20th February between 5-7am (GMT) / 6-8am (CET) as a backup in case we experience any problems. If this is needed, we'll post a separate status page notice.
We’re sorry for any disruption caused by these upgrades. Please let us know at if you are planning any big launches for any of the times we are planning on running the updates, or if you have any further questions.
Scheduled |
Feb 18, 2025 06:00 - Feb 19, 2025 08:00 | GMT+01:00
On Tuesday, 18th and Wednesday 19th February, between 5am - 7am GTM / 6am - 8am CET we will be updating some of the servers we use for Impact Stack. This may affect your Impact Stack actions in the following ways:
Impact Stack 1 (current generation):
- For around 30 minutes of that period, Impact Stack will be unavailable to your supporters.
Impact Stack 2 (new generation):
- For around 10 minutes of that period, there is a chance that your supporters may not be able to submit Impact Stack forms.
We may also use Thursday 20th February between 5-7am (GMT) / 6-8am (CET) as a backup in case we experience any problems. If this is needed, we'll post a separate status page notice.
We’re sorry for any disruption caused by these upgrades. Please let us know at if you are planning any big launches for any of the times we are planning on running the updates, or if you have any further questions.
(Landing Pages, Online Action Pages, Donation Pages, Share Pages, Thank You pages)
Transactional emails such as "Thank you emails" and emails sent to targets
Autocomplete service with datasets (for forms)
political datasets, custom datasets
nextcloud to access your CSV file exports
The functionality of forms on online action forms, donation forms, flexible forms
The logCRM webservice including the API
Incident history
Delayed email delivery
Resolved | Nov 14, 2024 | 17:20 GMT+01:00
On 4 November we experienced email deliverability delays with emails sent from Impact Stack. This affected confirmation-, thank-you-, target- and password-reset-emails. The issue has now been resolved and emails are delivered as usual again.
The issue has been resolved and emails are delivered as usual again. We will continue to monitor the Impact Stack email delivery over the next few days.
Resolution in progress | Nov 04, 2024 | 11:26 GMT+01:00
Email delay: we have identified the issue and are working on resolving it. We expect emails to be going out at normal speed again soon.
Open | Nov 04, 2024 | 10:53 GMT+01:00
We are currently experiencing issues with email deliverability for emails sent from Impact Stack. Emails are still sent out but their delivery is delayed. This affects confirmation-, thank-you-, target- and password-reset-emails. Our hosting team is working on resolving this issue.
Delayed delivery to some Outlook email addresses
Resolved | Sep 10, 2024 | 14:11 GMT+02:00
This issue has been resolved and all emails are being delivered as usual again.
We are currently experiencing issues with deliverability for email recipients with Outlook email addresses. This affects confirmation-, thank-you-, target- and password-reset-emails. Our hosting team is working on resolving this issue.
This issue has been resolved and all emails are being delivered as usual again.
Issues with saving action pages in editing interface
Resolved | May 16, 2024 | 13:00 GMT+02:00
On 16th May a technical problem affected the editing functionality in the backend of some Impact Stack installations, resulting in some action pages not being able to save. This issue has now been resolved.
We are currently experiencing a technical problem which may affect the editing functionality in the backend of your Impact Stack installation.
In some cases, action pages cannot be saved in the editing interface of Impact Stack. In those cases, neither the ‘next’ button or the ‘save and return’ button work.
We are working on resolving this issue as quickly as possible.
Open | May 16, 2024 | 11:00 GMT+02:00
We are currently experiencing a technical problem which may affect the editing functionality in the backend of your Impact Stack installation.
In some cases, action pages cannot be saved in the editing interface of Impact Stack. In those cases, neither the ‘next’ button or the ‘save and return’ button work.
We are working on resolving this issue as quickly as possible.
No longer supporting Internet Explorer 11 (IE11)
Resolved | Feb 29, 2024 | 18:00 GMT+01:00
As of 29th February 2024 we've dropped support for Internet Explorer 11.
Impact Stack pages and forms will no longer work in this browser.
If you have any questions about this, please reach out to
As of 29th February 2024 we've dropped support for Internet Explorer 11 (IE11).
Impact Stack pages and forms will no longer work in this browser.
Slower loading speed of Impact Stack sites
Resolved | Feb 27, 2024 | 12:00 GMT+01:00
Impact Stack sites were loading slower than usual on Tuesday, 27th February. This issue has now been resolved.
After investigating, we found that the reduced loading speed was caused by an external service '' being down for around 3 hours. We use polyfill to let people with older browsers use Impact Stack.
As a result of this incident we have added further monitoring of the polyfill service and are reviewing our future use of polyfill.
Resolution in progress | Feb 27, 2024 | 06:00 GMT+01:00
Impact Stack sites were loading slower than usual on Tuesday, 27th February. After investigating, we found that this was caused by an external service '' being down for around 3 hours. We use polyfill to let people with older browsers use Impact Stack.
As a result of this incident we have added further monitoring of the polyfill service and are reviewing our future use of polyfill.
Auto-complete unavailable
Resolved | Feb 19, 2024 | 18:00 GMT+01:00
Between 15th - 19th February a technical problem affected the availability of auto-complete datasets for your Impact Stack forms. This issue has now been resolved.
Affected components
Monitoring outbound email delivery
Resolved | Nov 28, 2023 | 00:00 GMT+01:00
The email delivery issue has been fixed and all emails are delivered as usual again.
Affected components
Temporary interruption in outbound email delivery
Resolved | Nov 16, 2023 | 14:29 GMT+01:00
Between Saturday November 11th ~00:00 CET and Monday November 13th ~10:00 AM CET no emails were sent out for Impact Stack action pages (confirmation-, thank-you- and email-to-target emails were affected). All emails that needed resending have been resent.
The incident was caused by an upgrade of our mail server on November 7th, which introduced a bug that caused part of the mail server to brake on November 11th because it was overloaded. The bug has been fixed and further steps have been taken to stabilise the mailing system to ensure the same problem doesn't happen again. We have also improved our monitoring systems to make sure that similar problems are detected and resolved within a shorter period of time.
Resolution in progress | Nov 13, 2023 | 17:36 GMT+01:00
Between Saturday 11.11. ~00:00 CET and Monday 13.11. ~10:00 AM CET no emails were sent out for Impact Stack action pages (so confirmation-, thank-you- and email-to-target emails were affected). We are in the process of investigating what caused this disruption.
No data has been lost. The bulk of these emails has already been resent today and we are currently working on a solution for the remaining ones.
Unexpected inaccessibility of forms
Resolved | Sep 08, 2023 | 10:10 GMT+02:00
On September 8th between 8:50-9:10 BST / 9:50-10:10 CEST, forms could not be submitted on Impact Stack installations.
Styling of the forms was affected, therefore they could not be submitted. Pages could still be loaded.
The issue was due to unexpected side-effects of theme changes, that were planned to be released today without a downtime.
On September 8th between 8:50-9:10 BST / 9:50-10:10 CEST, forms could not be submitted on Impact Stack installations.
Styling of the forms was affected, therefore they could not be submitted. Pages could still be loaded.
The issue was due to unexpected side-effects of theme changes, that were planned to be released today without a downtime.
Unexpected downtime / slower loading speed for our webservers
Resolved | Jun 30, 2023 | 14:49 GMT+02:00
Earlier issues with our webservers have now been fixed and all services are running as they should.
These issues limited the functionality and loading speed of Impact Stack installations on June 30th 2023 from 9:11 - 9:42 CEST.
On Friday morning, 30th July between 9:11 - 9:42 CEST, our webservers experienced an unexpected downtime, due to a deliberate DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack on one of our client installations with the goal to overload our servers. This affected all sites and resulted in slower loading speed or unavailability during that time.
The issue has now been resolved and all services are running as they should.
We understand that unscheduled downtime is, at the very least, inconvenient, and we're sorry this has happened. Our team is working hard to prevent incidents like this from happening again in the future.
Issues with Java Script and Email to Target
Resolved | Mar 15, 2023 | 12:29 GMT+01:00
Earlier technical issues with Email to Target, Java Script and Auto-complete have now been fixed.
These issues limited the functionality and admin interface of Impact Stack installations on March 15th 2023 from 8am to 11:30am.
Earlier technical issues with Email to Target and Java Script have now been fixed.
Your Impact Stack installation and the admin interface should be fully functional again.
Auto-complete is still unavailable. Our team is working on resolving this issue as quickly as possible.
Email to Target Service unavailable
Resolved | Dec 07, 2022 | 15:57 GMT+01:00
This issue has been resolved. The service was offline on Dec 7th 2022 from 8am to 3pm.
Postcode mapped datasets on email to target actions are currently not available. Any actions using them will result in a "We are sorry! The service is temporarily unavailable. The administrators have been informed. Please try again in a few minutes …" error message.
This does not affect custom datasets.
Unexpected downtime for our webservers
Resolved | Jun 23, 2021 | 03:19 GMT+02:00
Today, between 3:11pm and 3:19pm (CEST), one of our webservers experienced a short downtime, due to connection issues form our hosting provider.
Here are more details on the incident from our hosting provider:
Today, between 3:11pm and 3:19pm (CEST), one of our webservers experienced a short downtime, due to connection issues form our hosting provider.
Here are more details on the incident from our hosting provider:
Unexpected downtime due to DNS resolving errors
Resolved | May 05, 2021 | 12:39 GMT+02:00
Our service provider fixed the issue with the DNS server.
All websites are available again. We are confirming that everything is back to normal and running correctly.
We currently experience downtime and reduced availability.
The DNS server has issues with resolving our domains. Our service provider is informed and working on it.
It is unclear how long it will take currently. We will keep you notified on the progress.
Unexpected downtime for one of our proxy servers
Closed | Nov 11, 2020 | 18:08 GMT+01:00
Unexpected downtime for one of our proxy servers resolved
Monday afternoon, between 15:14 and 15:33pm (CET), one of our proxy servers experienced a downtime.
After about the 20 minutes, the proxy restarted and is running as expected since then.
We understand that unscheduled downtime is, at the very least, inconvenient, and we're sorry this has happened.
Unexpected downtime for one of our webservers
Closed | Nov 11, 2020 | 18:07 GMT+01:00
Unexpected downtime for one of our webservers resolved
Monday night, between 3am and 8am (CET), one of our webservers experienced a downtime, due to our hosting provider restarting the server machine.
After this, the server restarted normally and all services are running as they should.
We understand that unscheduled downtime is, at the very least, inconvenient, and we're sorry this has happened. Our quest to find an even more reliable hosting provider is ongoing.
The affected webserver has been restarted and is now up and running again.
Open | Nov 25, 2019 | 14:46 GMT+01:00
Today 2:45pm (CET), one of our webservers is experiencing a downtime, as the server froze. This is happening more frequently for the last months and we are in contact with our webhoster, as well as looking for more reliable options.
We are currently restarting the server and check that everything is back to normal soon.
We understand that unscheduled downtime is, at the very least, inconvenient, and we're sorry this has happened. Our quest to find an even more reliable hosting provider is ongoing.
Unexpected downtime for one of our webservers
Closed | Nov 25, 2019 | 14:55 GMT+01:00
This particular incident has been resolved, but we are still looking for a more reliable hosting option
Monday night, between 11pm and 11:23pm (CET), one of our webservers experienced a downtime, due to our hosting provider restarting the server machine.
After this, the server restarted normally and all services are running as they should.
We understand that unscheduled downtime is, at the very least, inconvenient, and we're sorry this has happened. Our quest to find an even more reliable hosting provider is ongoing.
Unexpected downtime for one of our webservers
Closed | Nov 25, 2019 | 14:55 GMT+01:00
This particular incident has been resolved, but we are still looking for a more reliable hosting option.
Sundy morning, between 00:46 am and 01:03 am (CET), one of our webservers experienced a downtime, due to our hosting provider restarting the server machine.
After this, the server restarted normally and all services are running as they should.
We understand that unscheduled downtime is, at the very least, inconvenient, and we're sorry this has happened. Our quest to find an even more reliable hosting provider is ongoing.